David Truzzi-Franconi is a Freelance Artist and
Calligrapher with many years experience in the
execution of the highest quality Heraldic Art & Calligraphy
Commissions include:
- Heraldic Art/Coats of Arms/Shields
- Calligraphy and Scrivening
- Illuminated Addresses and Letters Patent
- Invitations, Citations and Awards
- Benefactors Boards
- Bookplates and Illustrations
- Commemorative Documents and Certificates
- Library Paintings on Vellum Strainers etc.
- Hatchments on Canvas and Wooden Panels
- Engrossing of Pedigrees/Descents/Genealogy
in roll or book form - Work carried out on Handmade paper,Vellum,
Parchment,Canvas,Wood and Metal etc
Enquiries welcome on david@heraldryandcalligraphy.com